The Developers Students Club Chapter of the Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat here to grow your development skills and help you with the stepping stones to the open source world.


About Us

Developer Student Clubs (DSC) is a community where programmers meet to discuss and work with several Google developer resources and products. A DSC event has a diversified event portfolio, from just a few people meeting up to build products to large events with demos and lectures to conducting big hackathons.

What We Conduct?

With DSC NIT Surat, not only you learn but we make sure you grow too.


Info Sessions

Provide a step to step guide sessions on approaching any tech stack or from a range of topics.



Conduct challenging hackathons comprising amazing judges and a lot of webinars!


Hands-on Workshop

The real fun where the members will show you how to proceed on different app creation.


Kahoot Quizzes!

Filled with technical quizzes and prizes awaits too! This is where you can test how much knowledge you actually have.

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Dive With DSC

The introductory insight to DSC NIT Surat given by our very own DSC lead 2k19-2k20, Kshitij Suri. Kshitij Suri is an undergrad at NIT Surat specializing in Android Development.

Want To Learn & Grow With Us?

Each social link is present in the footer to direct you easily

  • Follow us on our social media links to stay updated!
  • Each webinar will be updated on our youtube channel
  • Any resources will be provided on our Github
  • We got a discord channel to grow the community & provide different tech-wise channels